Portfolio of works

My deep Hawaiian Island roots play a big part in my painting, as does my love for the magnificent American West. I find I am most drawn to farm and ranch lands, mountains and country roads, and coastal scenes, probably because they make me feel most at home when I am lost in them. My style wanders with my mood, always on the road to new discovery. I love color. I appreciate simplicity, although finding it is not always easy. I collect original paintings of artists I admire and who reflect my own artistic yearnings, paintings that stop me, that capture me, that move me.

This collection represents the serpentine path I have taken on my quest of constant discovery as an artist. Enjoy!

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Van Gogh, Van Sandy
Brian Geraths Brian Geraths

Van Gogh, Van Sandy

When I paint, or write, or make music … of course I want others to like it, even love it. But if no one does, that’s okay. My joy and my self worth are no longer tied to external validation. I do what I do because what I do is who I am. I do what I do to engage with my life, to experience it, to honor the greatest gift I was ever given.

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Gummy Grove
Brian Geraths Brian Geraths

Gummy Grove

I view “Gummy Grove” as the painting that marks my having started down a road less traveled in my life, a road lined with more peace, more love, and more courage. In my studio, I’m feeling lighter, and snappier, as if I am breaking in a pair of brand new, wildly colorful shoes. And for whatever reason, I’m finally feeling good about sharing the story of the most significant moment of my life, bar none.

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